mythbusters air conditioner vs windows down

Gas mileage hits - windows down vs sunroof vs A/C - Car Talk. A/C vs. windows down.
mythbusters air conditioner vs windows down
mythbusters air conditioner vs windows down
Mythbusters - Driving with windows down vs. windows up and A/C on.
MythBusters Episode 38: MythBusters Revisited.
Using the air conditioner consumes less energy than putting the windows down. Watch mythbusters, they did this myth and proved it's better to put the air.
So, if you caught Mythbusters last night, they tested that question every frugal driver .. I roll down the windows and use AC at the same time.
In hot weather is it more fuel efficient to drive a car with the windows up and the air conditioning at full blast or to keep the windows down and the AC off The.
REVISITED: Running a car with air conditioning on is more fuel efficient than running with the windows down. (From Episode 22). partly confirmed.
I saw it on mythbusters, searched this for you. Windows down vs. air conditioning "Urban puzzle": it is more efficient, on a hot day, to run with the.
Is it more fuel efficient to drive with the windows down instead.
Is using the A/C in a car less fuel efficient than having the windows.
MythBusters - driving on the highway with windows down saves gas.
Mythbusters visited this topic in both episode 22 and episode 38:. efficient to use air conditioning when the car is traveling approximately 50mph or more.. with windows down was inside their 45 – 55mph margin at 50mph.
I was wondering if the difference would be any larger or smaller in our. run with the windows down and AC off at least until your car's interior is.
Jul 22, 2011. We'll get around to discussing when air conditioning isn't a more efficient option, but. Overall, both studies showed that driving with the windows down has a significant ... The Mythbusters have more than covered this topic.
The Air Out There: An Endless Windows-vs.-Air-Conditioning Debate.
Conserve more gas with a/c running or windows down? - Yahoo! Answers.
Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 22: Boom Lift Catapult, A/C vs. - kwc.